Anyway, when I'm not reading or writing stuff for school I've been obsessed with Hearthstone. I've been in the beta for a few months and at first I thought it was alright, then I was bored with it, followed by a renewal of interest and now obsession. I've starting getting legendary and a collection of the better neural and class cards and I feel like I can build decent decks. And I'm obsessed with collecting all of them. Must have more legionaries! Plus the game is easier to fit into a 15 minute span of time than a few minutes of wow.
I've still been raiding. The late hours are really getting to me. That and the inability to use vent on the school's internet network. It's so silent and occasionally little pieces of conversation trickle into chat. And I realize just how disconnected I am from the group right now. Two more weeks and I'll be at home and able to chat in vent again. I'm looking forward to that.
I just find myself wondering why do I play wow? I can't seem to find an answer. I raid but outside of that time I'm not currently interesting in playing the game. I don't think it's a bad thing though. It's a bit of a break and I can enjoy other things and after awhile I'm sure I'll find something that will draw me back into the game. I don't really hate the game or feel bored with it. I just haven't felt a need to play it.
I'm going to have to consider how I could write about hearthstone for awhile because I'm absolutely addicted. :)